пʼятниця, 2 листопада 2012 р.

National sociological research “HOW UKRAINIANS SPEND THEIR VACATION TIME”


The study was conducted in the period from 20 to 30 June 2010. Data acquisition was carried out using face to face (personal) interview in 24 regions of Ukraine and AR of Crimea. Respondents were selected by quota sampling, representing the adult population by place of residence (region), sex and age. The volume of sample is 2076 persons. The expected average sampling error was +-2,2%. Data in percentage.

Key findings of the research:

►Most respondents prefer to spend their vacation time at home or on the beach (savage)

►From the regional perspective the beach vacation is the most popular among the residents of the South-East of Ukraine, when the rest of ways to spend the vacation time enjoy approximately the same popularity.

►From the gender differences perspective males are much more keen on active vacations (69%) rather than females are (31%), that prefer much more to spend their vacations in curative spa’s, sanatoriums, pensions, educational travels (excursions, visits to memorable places), or to spend their vacations in garden or at cottage.

► What concerns age groups, active and educational vacations and “savage” beach vacations are the most popular among the youth. The middle age Ukrainians prefer equally all the listed ways to spend their vacation time with the exception of spending their vacation time at home, which they give the lowest preference. The most respondents of the pre-retirement age group prefer to spend their vacations in sanatoriums and vacations in the garden / cottage. The great majority of Ukrainian retirees pointed out that they don’t like to rest in their vacation time. Those retirees who had positively answered on this question stated that the most preferable way for them to rest is to stay at home.

►In comparison to June, 2009, the preferences of Ukrainians concerning their vacation time have not changed much.

►Currently the problem of the lack of recreation places is not relevant for Ukraine. The majority of Ukrainian people find that there is sufficient number of places of recreation in Ukraine (52%), and a significant portion of Ukrainians believes that there are many of those (29%).

►The average duration of vacation of Ukrainians is from 21 to 30 days a year. Long vacations (more than 40 days a year) are much more typical for females than males.

►Most Ukrainian people are not busy with planning of their vacation time (44%).

►The plans of Ukrainians on how to spend their vacations in this year roughly coincide with that how they spent it in the past year.

►Most Ukrainians plan to spend their vacation time in 2010 at home (32%), on the sea in Ukraine (18%), in their cottage house (15%) or some other city / town of Ukraine. Just 4% of Ukrainians plan to spend their vacation abroad this year.

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