пʼятниця, 2 листопада 2012 р.

American host family


The Americans are very openminded and straightforward and they enjoy stating their mind at all times. You will spend much time together with your host family during cozy evenings at home, parties and dinners with relatives. During your exchange year there will also be opportunities to celebrate festivities such as "Thanksgiving" with turkey on the menu, or "Halloween" when everybody dresses in frightening costumes. In the USA they live for everything that is fun-filled and tasty. A barbecue is the most American way of socializing and eating; a feast for the whole family, the neighbors and some friends. Somehow a substantial barbecue symbolizes the entire American life style. Together with your family you will surely also take part in different events, from football games to rock concerts.
Americans are a proud people and it is naturally essential to celebrate Independence Day, July 4th, with pomp and ceremony and blazing fireworks. The American national hymn, just as the flag, is called "the Starspangled Banner" and this is gladly waved about in the air on all occasions where there is a chance to show patriotism.

Hectic traffic and seething street life at Times Square on Manhattan, New York.
About the USA
USA is an enormous melting pot of people from all over the world. Here anyone can feel at home, regardless of ethnic background, color of skin or religion. If you want, you can easily remain anonymous and melt into this blessed mixture. At the same time you have the chance to stand out in the crowd and "be what you can be".
In no other country do you find so many different nationalities. Actually, the whole country consists of immigrated Europeans, Asians, Africans, South Americans and Australians. The have all left their past behind to try and find happiness and realize their dreams in “the greatest country in the world”, or “the land of the free”.
The American society is dedicated to cultural exchange. In 1982 the American President founded “the Youth Exchange Initiative”. Its purpose was to increase international cooperation between the USA and the rest of the world. STS and its American cooperational partners are very much a part of this program and are deeply involved in its purpose.
In Congress July 4, 1776, the thirteen original states founded the United States of America - the USA - in what was called The Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies. George Washington (1732-1799) was later the country's first president during the years 1789-1797. In the USA there is an election every fourth year and you can only be President for two election periods, i.e eight years altogether. George W. Bush, a Republican, is currently doing his second and last.

Position: North America
Area: 9.159.000 km2
Inhabitants: 276 million
Capital: Washington, D.C.
Language: English (+ Spanish, Italian, Chinese etc)
Celebrity: Walt Disney

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